von Next Generation am 15.01.2025
in den Kategorien Tactical Theory
mit 0 Kommentaren
A key tactical tool in modern football is the use of overloads. Creating a (situational) numerical advantage allows for more effective combinations, opening up spaces, and disrupting the opponent’s defensive structure. This article explains the strategic benefits of overloads in various areas of the pitch and demonstrates how they can be created and exploited to pose challenges for the opposition.
von MR am 30.05.2024
in den Kategorien SV Academy, Tactical Theory
mit 0 Kommentaren
What does the future of football hold for us? Why is the Guardiola-style so dominant? Can it be overcome by new “relationist” ideas? We will analyse and discuss the latest tactical trends, venture a prediction about upcoming developments and demonstrate how a unique playing philosophy can be created.
von MR am 11.04.2024
in den Kategorien SV Academy, Tactical Theory
mit 3 Kommentaren
We will tell you (almost) everything about attacking play.
von MR am 21.02.2024
in den Kategorien Bundesliga, Coach Portraits, Europa League, SV Academy, Tactical Theory, Team Portraits
mit 0 Kommentaren
We want to take a look at the team of the moment in a two-hour seminar at the Academy. What makes Bayer so strong and how can their style of play be classified in regard to tactical theory and history?
von IB am 10.01.2024
in den Kategorien Tactical Theory
mit 1 Kommentar
In this article we are trying to summarize a discussion about Positionism and Relationism in a somewhat different way. This discourse has evolved in various ways and shapes, often without a clear overview of the status quo of itself. By doing so, it did reach it’s intended goal already: Discuss football differently (again). Now we will try to give perspective and an update on the discussion by updating some premises of itself but also giving an outlook into practice and practitioners. Welcome to Spielverlagerung Discussion.
von JD am 16.06.2022
in den Kategorien Tactical Theory
mit 2 Kommentaren
The term rest-defense, translated from the German “Restverteidigung”, has become more known (and utilized) in recent years. Its equivalent on the other hand, is still rarely talked and even less (consciously) used in coaching, though more frequently by players on an unconscious level.
von MR am 13.06.2022
in den Kategorien Coaching, SV Academy, Tactical Theory
mit 0 Kommentaren
As all coaches and tactic-nerds want to use the summer break in a constructive way, Spielverlagerung is going to offer online seminars throughout the upcoming weeks. All dates and details.
von guest am 05.07.2021
in den Kategorien Tactical Theory
mit 4 Kommentaren
Ever since Jose Mourinho arrived in England, the importance of the transition phases has increased massively. From the 2010’s onwards this importance has only increased by the likes of Jürgen Klopp and Pep Guardiola who helped to revolutionise attacking and defensive transitions and bring the game of football to a new level.
von guest am 20.11.2020
in den Kategorien Tactical Theory
mit 0 Kommentaren
Americans call aubergines ‘eggplants’. For those familiar with the deep purple skin of the vegetable(?), this seems peculiar. To British ears, it’s one of those “oh, America!” things to roll ones eyes at and quietly mock, like ‘pants’ and ‘soccer’ and the missing ‘u’ in ‘colour’. And then you learn that there’s a variety of aubergine that is white, and small, and generally looks quite like an egg.
von guest am 13.08.2020
in den Kategorien Tactical Theory
mit 2 Kommentaren
Ever since the massive success of Guardiola at Barcelona, a lot of people have gravitated towards the philosophy of positional play. This momentum in turn, increased the number of articles and analysis on the subject, putting a large emphasis on playing out from the back in the current literature on the game. Because of this, I thought that it might be interesting to go completely against the grain, and instead focus on long balls and how one is able to utilize them.